
Yet another heavy cream topic

Seems to be all the rave . Figured I'd post my input, struggled to gain for years and now finally it seems to be working. By no means am I where I'd like to be but I can say cream is by far the best way for anyone to gain ( both those who struggle to and those who just want to supplement) I've become noticeably softer, almost a permanent bloat even after a nights rest and waking up it still stays yet I'm hungrier than ever. When I first started cream a few years back it was in cycles , ups and downs, could not do for more than a few days. Just recently I started again and crafted what I feel is the best recipe for myself, though I imagine others may enjoy it too. Very simple and tasty and seems to work for me ( someone who's had lifelong struggles gaining)

1 pint of your favorite Ben and Jerrys ice cream
1 pint of heavy cream
1 serving of maltodextrin powder

Very simple but I've found I do this all in a blender and split it in two parts of the day to allow myself to digest and continue to eat regularly. I'll say my body has adjusted quite well to it and seems to be digesting everything without the need for lactose pills. I'm curious to see if others have done the same / willing to try it and share results
4 years